"One Ocean" debuted last Friday the 22nd, Earth Day 2011. It replaced "Believe", another killer whale show which had a five year run at all SeaWorld Parks. It features a ton of Seaworld's killer whales who interact with the trainers throughout the show. While they don't swim with the trainers like the original version of "Believe" they do get up-close and personal with the trainers. They are currently working on new ways to incorporate the trainers getting back into the water.
New effects have also been added to the already awesome Shamu Stadium. In addition to the panoramic, moving LCD screens, they have added high-power fountains and lots of new lighting which make the show even more visually appealing. The fountains are synchronized with the great new musical score featuring "One Song" which is sure to be a crowd favorite. The set is beyond breathtaking. It has more colors than ever and a ton of cutouts of different sea creatures all around it. It is our personal favorite set of any Shamu show, pictures can not even start to show its vivid design.
Like all Shamu shows it also features some very touching moments. "One Ocean's" most touching moment is the scene with Makaio, Seaworld's newly born killer whale. "One Ocean" is performed several times a day and will debut at SeaWorld San Antonio and SeaWorld San Diego over the Summer.
Check out pictures of the show below along with highlights of the inaugural show. Also check out the video of the full show along with interviews with park officials. Thanks for viewing.
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Nice pictures - I didn't find the video though...
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